2024 Goals

The NYSRC Executive Committee approved its business goals for 2024 and beyond.

Welcome to the New York State Reliability Council

The New York State Reliability Council, L.L.C. (“NYSRC”) is a not-for-profit entity, organized in 1999 as a Delaware limited liability company, whose mission is to promote and preserve the reliability of electric service on the New York State Power System by developing, maintaining, and, from time-to-time, updating the Reliability Rules which shall be complied with by the New York Independent System Operator (“NYISO”) and all entities engaging in electric transmission, ancillary services, energy and power transactions on the New York State Power System. The NYSRC shall carry out its mission with no intent to advantage or disadvantage any Market Participant’s commercial interests.

Video — Highlights 20 years of Reliability Progress since the 2003 Blackout — posted with permission of courtesy of NERC

The Grid – 20 Years of Progress Since the 2003 Northeast Blackout (vimeo.com)



Meeting Schedule

Executive Committee Meeting  November 15, 2024 Wolfert’s Roost Country Club

Installed Capacity SubCommittee Meeting November 6, 2024 KCC

Reliability Rules SubCommittee Meeting October 31, 2024 WebEx

Reliability Compliance Monitoring SubCommittee Meeting October 31, 2024 WebEx

Extreme Weather Working Group Meeting , October 25, 2024 Zoom

Our Mission

The NYSRC's mission also includes monitoring compliance with the Reliability Rules by working in consultation with the NYISO to assure compliance, including when necessary, seeking compliance through the dispute resolution procedure contained in the ISO/NYSRC Agreement, and taking such other actions which may be necessary to carry out the purpose of the NYSRC Agreement.

Latest Rule Postings

Draft Reliability Rules Posted for Review and Comment:

None at this time.

Approved New Rules:

New Reliability Rules & Compliance Manual

On June 14, 2024, the Executive Committee of the NYSRC approved Version 47 of the Reliability Rules & Compliance Manual. A copy can be found here.

To view all rule postings click here.


  • August 21, 2024 ICS Meeting Cancelled
    The Installed Capacity Subcommittee meeting scheduled for August 21, 2024, has been cancelled.
  • 2025 NYSRC Meeting Schedule Approved
    At is meeting on July 12, 2024, the NYSRC Executive Committee approved the meetings schedule for 2025. The full schedule of all meetings can be found here.
  • Revisions to Policy 1 and Exceptions Requests Guidance Approved
    At is meeting on July 12, 2024, the NYSRC Executive Committee approved revisions to Policy 1-12 – Procedure for Reviewing, Developing, Modifying and Disseminating Reliability Rules and the related notes on guidance regarding the principles to be applied when considering reliability rule exception requests submitted by Interconnection Customers with respect to Reliability Rule B.5.
  • NYSRC Files Comments with the US Department of Energy
    On June 24, 2024, the NYSRC filed comments with the US Department of Energy on the proposed National Interest Electric Corridors.  Comments
  • New York State Reliability Council LLC (NYSRC) Announces its New Officers effective August 1, 2024
    On June 14, 2024, the Executive Committee of the New York State Reliability Council elected Mark Domino – Engineering Manager Transmission Planning of National Grid as its next Chair and  Stephen Whitley, currently serving as an Independent Unaffiliated Member of the Executive Committee, as its Vice Chair.  Both appointments are effective August 1, 2024.
  • NYSRC Announces appointment of new legal Counsel.  The NYSRC announces that Amanda De Vito Trinsey Esq., from Couch White LLP, has been retained as NYSRC legal Counsel. For more information regarding Amanda visit the following links:
    Amanda De Vito Trinsey
    and Amanda De Vito Trinsey Named Legal Counsel for NYSRC – Couch White
  • New Unaffiliated Executive Committee Member The NYSRC is pleased to announce the addition of a new Unaffiliated Member, Rick Gonzalez, formerly of the NYISO.  Details of his experience can be found here.
  • NYSRC is implementing a solicitation for new Legal Counsel  The NYSRC is seeking proposals from attorneys interested in serving as counsel the the NYSRC.  Instructions for responding to the opportunity can be found here.
  • NYSRC 2023 Goals Results — At its meeting on January 12, 2024, the NYSRC Executive Committee accepted the final results of its 2023 goals.  The report can be found here.
  • December 8, 2023Required Installed Reserve Margin for the 2024-25 Capability Year Established. The Executive Committee of the New York State Reliability Council established the New York Control Area (NYCA) Installed Reserve Margin (IRM) requirement for the May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025 Capability Period at 22.0%. This decision is described in the Executive Committee’s 2024-25 IRM Resolution.
  • November 17, 2023 The NYSRC Executive Committee has extended the deadline for comments on the revised PRR 151 until December 26, 2023.
  • Friday November 10, 2023 At it’s meeting on Thursday, November 9, 2023 the NYSRC EC approved posting a revision of a revised PRR #151 for industry comments.  The comment period will end December 26, 2023.  The instructions for submitting comments can be found here.
  • Search for a qualified candidate to fill an open unaffiliated Executive Committee Member Position
    The New York State Reliability Council (NYSRC) is seeking qualified candidates who are interested in fulfilling the role of Unaffiliated Member of the New York State Reliability Council’s Executive Committee. To be considered for the position please review the information and instructions for submitting an application at this link.
  • NYSRC EC Approves 2024 Business Goals
    At the meeting of the NYSRC Executive Committee on October 14, 2023, the Executive Committee approved the business Goals for 2024. The goals document can be found at this link.
  • At the meeting of the NYSRC Executive Committee on October 14, 2023, the Executive Committee approved the Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP) Whitepaper. The EOP Whitepaper describes the research on how EOPs, especially Emergency Assistance are accounted for in the IRM base case model and recommends changes to the IRM modelling assumptions. The EOP Whitepaper can be found at this link.
  • NYSRC has filed comments supporting NPCC’s proposed plan regarding how to include the requirements of  IEEE 2800 into NPCC’s Directories which contain NPCC’s Bulk Power System Criteria.  The comments can be found at this link.
  • Notice
    Please take note that at its meeting on July 14, 2023 the NYSRC Executive Committee approved the Executive Committee, Subcommittee and Working Groups meeting schedules for calendar year 2024.  The details can be found here.
  • Approval of the Extreme Weather Working Group Report on Off Shore Wind Performance
    During its meeting on July 14, 2023, the NYSRC Executive Committee approved a report from the Extreme Weather Working Group on its analysis of wind output. The analyses examined high resolution data characterizing Off Shore Wind (OSW) performance recently provided by NYISO and its consultant DNV. The analysis revealed that wind lulls, defined for the purposes of this analysis as periods of each hour of wind output of less than 5%-20% for extended periods of 24 hours or longer, occur about 30 times per year on average. Wind lulls of 48 hours or longer occur on average about seven times per year, and wind lulls of 72 hours or longer occur on average two times per year. The analysis also found wind lull events to be highly correlated interregional events simultaneously impacting wind output from NJ to Rhode Island.  The report can be found here.
  • NYSRC Notice Regarding Inverter Based Resources (IBR) Actions
    Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (“CLCPA”) Legislation recently enacted in New York State has mandated a very significant increase in Inverter Based Resources (IBR) on the New York State electric system. In light of this legislation, and after extensive review, the New York State Reliability Council (NYSRC) identified the need for, and is in the process of implementing, a number of actions necessary to preserve to New York State Bulk Power System.  The complete notice and summary of the actions may be found here.
  • NYSRC Establishes Goals for 2023
    At its meeting on November 10, 2022, the NYSRC Executive Committee approved its business goals for 2023 and beyond.  The goals can be found here.
  • Availability of the NYSRC DER and Decarbonization Monthly Report
    For industry use, the monthly status report of the industry (New York and beyond) activities related to Decarbonization and Distributed Energy Resources (DER) is available here.