A white paper is defined as an authoritative report or guide that informs readers concisely about a complex issue and presents the issuing body’s philosophy or position on the matter. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem or make a decision. Since the start of the NYSRC, there have been several white papers produced by the Installed Capacity Subcommittee (ICS). The primary focus of these papers has been to review and enhance modeling elements and input assumptions for the GE Multi-Area Reliability Simulation (MARS) computer program.
Gas Constraints Modeling
Emergency Operating Procedures
Energy Storage
- Energy Storage Whitepaper
- Inclusion of Energy Storage Resource
- Duration Limited Resource Modeling
- Duration Limited Resource Modeling Follow-Up
- Energy Limited Resource Modeling
- ELR Modeling White Paper
External Area
- Modeling of Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP’s) and Demand Resources (DR) in External Areas in IRM Studies
- A Review of PJM Modeled LOLE
- MARS Emergency Assistance Modeling — Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
- External Area Whitepaper
Generator Forced Outage Rate
Load Shape
- Modeling Multiple Load Shapes in Resource Adequacy Studies
- Multiple Wind Shape Probabilistic Modeling with GE MARS for the Installed Reserve Margin Study
Renewable Resources
- BTM Solar Modeling Whitepaper
- The Impacts of High Intermittent Renewable Resources on Installed Reserve Margin for New York 4-9-2020
- The Effect of Wind Resources on the NYCA IRM and UCAP Markets (Source, 2010 IRM Report)
- Evaluation of Wind Modeling — Using Actual NYCA Wind Production Data (Source, 2014 IRM Appendices)
- Correlation of Intermittent Resources
- High Renewable Phase 2 Summary
Special Case Resources
- Special Case Resources: Evaluation of the Performance and Contribution to Resource Adequacy
- SCR Sensitivity Proposal
- Final 2021 SCR Model Values
Study Year
Tan 45 Process