RRS Meeting No. 254
RRS Meeting No. 254
Agenda Item 2.1
Approval of RRS Minutes 253
Agenda Item 2.2
RRS Status Report
Agenda Item 2.3
Action Items List
Agenda Item 3.1.1
PRR List
Agenda Item 3.4.1
NYSRC Reliability Rule and Requirement Reference
Agenda Item 3.4.2
California’s 14/15 2020 August Emergencies
NERC SRA 2020 (optimized)
California’s Blackout Enhanced Reliability Planning
Wildfires — Solar Power Plunges — September 11, 2020
Agenda Item 3.4.3
NYCA Potential Long Term RRS Risk Elements and PRR’s
Agenda Item 4.1
NYSRC/DEC 9/10/20 Conference Call Notes
Agenda Item 4.2
NYSRC EC DER Report 8/14/20
Agenda Item 4.3
NYS PSC “Transmission Planning August 2020 PSC Session”
Agenda Item 5.1
NERC Standard Tracking
RCMS Meeting No. 248
Meeting 248
Agenda Item 2.1
Draft Minutes for Meeting 247
Agenda Item 2.2
RCMS Status Report
Agenda Item 3.1
2020 Compliance Program Update
Agenda Item 3.2
August 2020 Operations Report
Agenda Item 3.3
NYISO I.2 R1 Self Certification
MST Manual Section 5.12.5 and 5.12.12
NYISO ICAP Manual Section 4.4 and 4.6.1
NYISO ICAP Market Operations Procedures
Agenda Item 3.4
NYISO I.2 R2 CerItification
MST Section 5.12.5
NYISO ICAP Manual Section 4.4
Agenda Item 3.5
NYISO I.2 R3 Self Certification
Agenda Item 3.6
NYISO I.2 R4 Self Certification
MST Section 5.12.11
NYISO ICAP Manual Section 4.4.7 and 4.12
NYISO DRIS Section 11
Agenda Item 4
Reliability Rule Summary
Agenda Item 5.1
NYISO Reliability Compliance Tracker