Joint SubCommittees Meeting RRS Meeting 197 RCMS Meeting 191 – January 6, 2016

RRS Meeting No. 197

RRS Meeting No. 197

Agenda Item 2.1
Approval of RRS Minutes #196

Agenda Item 2.2
Action Items List

Agenda Item 3.1
PRR List

     Agenda Item 3.1.1
     PRR 120 – B.1 Transmission Performance Planning Requirements

     Agenda Item 3.1.2
PRR 121 – B.2 Transmission Planning Assessments

     Agenda Item  3.1.3
PRR 122 – C.1 Establishing Operating Transfer Limits

Agenda Item 3.1.4
PRR 129 – B.1 Transmission System Planning Requirements

Agenda Item 3.3
2015 Bucket List

Agenda Item 5.1
NERC Standard Tracking 

Agenda Item 6.1
REV Update

Agenda Item 6.2
RRS List of Accomplishments

Agenda Item 6.3
RRS and RCMS Secretarial Roster

Agenda Item 6.4
Committee Meeting Schedule

RCMS Meeting No. 191

Meeting #191

Agenda Item 2.1
Draft Minutes for Meeting #190

Agenda Item 2.2
Action Items List

Agenda Item 3.1
2015 Compliance Program Update

Agenda Item 3.2
Novenber and December Operations Report

Agenda Item 4.1
Proposed 2016 Compliance Program

Agenda Item 5.1
NYISO Reliability Compliance Tracker